Attempting to run Aatrix and it closes unexpectedly after form calculations complete.
DF-FA-030906-Oregon Family Leave not passed correctly to Aatrix
After going through the process in Aatrix to create the Oregon state form QQ, the ‘Paid Leave Subject Wages’ field is blank.
DF-FA-030905-EWS- ‘Approve Leave’ dropdown not showing all requests
Manager sees ‘0’ in the active requests column in the dropdown of Leave Requests in EWS when there are pending requests.
DF-FA-030900-SafeKey option described in Product Guide when it is no longer available
SafeKey is not an available Security menu item after 2020.2 but still is described in Help Documentation.
DF-FA-030626-Armenian Dram Currency cannot be used in Multicurrency
Unable to use Armenian dram in a multicurrency database. The message ‘The SYMBOL A contains invalid characters….” displays.
DF-FA-030625-Error ‘Incorrect Syntax near…’ when saving change in HR
‘The formula configured for the HAS Benefit Plan contains an error Incorrect syntax has…’ message displays when Calc from Plan is selected.
DF-FA-030624-Able to Create Duplicate APS Document
Able to create a new/duplicate record in an unposted Edit Pay Selected A/P Invoice session.
DF-FA-030596-Export to Excel drops some total lines when exported to excel
When exporting a report to Excel the lines denoting totals are dropped.