DF-M16675-SoftEdit user’s insert via default generates 5004 - No Name Found for ID 5004

Submitted by 335 on

Manually accepting a SoftEdit user’s insert via default generates 5004 - No Name Found for ID 5004 in the section header and generates the following error when accepting the pending records: 

Error Message -- Insert
INSERT INTO attribute_full(attrstrt, attrstop, attrsource, attrdescr1, attrdescr2, attrpositn, attrcomm, attrtypenm, attrtype, attrlnkfil, attrdate1, attrdate2, attrlook1, attrlook2, attrlook3, attrtext, attrdate3, attrdate4, attrdate5, attrdate6, attrdate7, attrdate8, attrdate9, attrdte10, attrdte11, attrdte12, attrtxt1, attrtxt2, attrtxt3, attrtxt4, attrtxt5, attrlook4, attrlook5, attrlook6, attradesrc, attrid) VALUES ('Jun 29, 2012', null, 'self ', ' ', ' ', '', 'test soft edit users insert via default', 'Cancer Research', 'can', '', null, null, ' ', ' ', ' ', '', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, '', '', '', '', '', ' ', ' ', ' ', 'Soft Edit', '5004')

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "fk_attrid". The conflict occurred in database "millsample", table "dbo.corebio", column 'coreid'.
Error Code 547

Product Line

DF-M17079-Lookup maintenance-Error inserting/updating relation pair with limited Access

Submitted by 334 on

If you try to limit Millennium User Group Access on a relation pair record, an error occurs on insert or update.
Error Message -- Update

UPDATE relation_pairs SET relp_mgp2 = '67108863.0 ', relp_whose = 'la ', relp_amt2 = 0.00, relp_agp1 = '1'000000, relp_amt1 = 0.00, relp_isa = 'am ', relp_agp2 = '1'000000, relp_comm = '', relp_mgp1 = '67108863.0 ', relp_actv = 'Y' WHERE relp_key = 5046


[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near '000000'.
Error Code 102

Product Line

DF-M17165-Guests are assigned to seats or tables, but randomly you cannot see the seating assignment or table assignment

Submitted by 334 on
You can assign guests to seats, but randomly when you Edit Table you do not see anyone assigned to the seat. As well you can assign a guest to a table, but sometimes the table is not found so you can Edit Table, even if you scroll to the right and left to find the table.

Product Line

Cursor focus remains in Name/Id field in Search using Chrome but not using Internet Explorer

Submitted by 334 on
Using Internet Explorer 10, when you enter a name in the Name/id field in Search Database, and there is no match on criteria, the cursor focus does not remain in the name/id field. You must mouse back into the field to type in another name.

Using Chrome however, the cursor focus remains in the name/id field for the user to continue typing in another name, without having to mouse in the field.

Product Line