Manually accepting a SoftEdit user’s insert via default generates 5004 - No Name Found for ID 5004 in the section header and generates the following error when accepting the pending records:
Error Message -- Insert
INSERT INTO attribute_full(attrstrt, attrstop, attrsource, attrdescr1, attrdescr2, attrpositn, attrcomm, attrtypenm, attrtype, attrlnkfil, attrdate1, attrdate2, attrlook1, attrlook2, attrlook3, attrtext, attrdate3, attrdate4, attrdate5, attrdate6, attrdate7, attrdate8, attrdate9, attrdte10, attrdte11, attrdte12, attrtxt1, attrtxt2, attrtxt3, attrtxt4, attrtxt5, attrlook4, attrlook5, attrlook6, attradesrc, attrid) VALUES ('Jun 29, 2012', null, 'self ', ' ', ' ', '', 'test soft edit users insert via default', 'Cancer Research', 'can', '', null, null, ' ', ' ', ' ', '', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, '', '', '', '', '', ' ', ' ', ' ', 'Soft Edit', '5004')
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "fk_attrid". The conflict occurred in database "millsample", table "dbo.corebio", column 'coreid'.
Error Code 547