Reconciliation Register does (not) display (un)locked Suspense Items

Submitted by anthony.rapey on

After locking two consecutive Reconciliation ID’s (e.g.: A and B), then run the Reconciliation Register report for B, report shows suspense items for A and B. If only A is locked, B’s report only shows its own suspense items. If both are unlocked, it shows both.

Product Line

Default value for amount on timesheet leave balance being imported even when the information is not on DEF file

Submitted by 213 on

Importing only one field of an Amount on Timesheet Leave Code defaults the other field to zero (default value).
When importing “Hours Accrued” onto a Regular Timesheet where “Hours Taken” was already a specified number and saved, the import resets “Hours Taken” to zero.


When importing “Hours Taken” onto a Regular Timesheet where “Hours Accrued” was already a specified number and saved, the import resets “Hours Accrued” to zero.

Product Line