DF-Formatted name field in customized display design does not appear in Relationship display

Submitted by 334 on
User creates and saves a custom form (see example below).  User sets this custom form as the maintenance default.    The Formatted name field does not display on the relationship display for linked constituent relatives.  Non-constituent relationships do display each name field however.

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DF-M17182-Pledge transaction with credit to spouse creates transaction type on spouse as a Credit transaction type

Submitted by 334 on

When you create a Pledge transaction on a spouse and give credit to spouse, in Oracle systems the spouse’s transaction is created as a “Credit” transaction type.  In SQL systems, a Pledge Credit transaction is created on the spouse.

Product Line

All guests are assigned to table and seating when you highlight some guests and click “Add all”

Submitted by 334 on

Event guest seating assignment permits you to highlight guests and click “Add all” to an existing table. This gives the impression that just the highlighted guests would be assigned to the table, but all guests without a table and seat assignment are placed at the table.

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