'Username’ is not a valid login or you do not have permissions when ‘sa’ account changes user passwords in Millennium user interface

Submitted by 334 on
The ‘sa’ account is able to change a user’s password in the user interface but the change password log indicates the following:  "'Username’ is not a valid login or you do not have permissions when ‘sa’ account changes user passwords in Millennium user interface"
Product Line

DF-M20883-Data Examiner Auto Update Error: Insufficient security or table value inactive for lookup table dues_types (duestype). Table Code: 'y'

Submitted by 334 on
Error generated importing Dues Pledge Payments: Insufficient security or table value inactive for lookup table dues_types (duestype). Table Code: 'y'
Product Line

DF-M20771-Attributes linked to secondary tables not available in reporting criteria

Submitted by 181 on
Attributes linked to secondary tables are not available for selection in reporting criteria from Attribute. In 2015.x when using attribute values, you typed in the attribute value manually.  The selection below returns three records that meet the criteria.

Product Line