June 2022.2 Release Notes

Submitted by 2926985 on

Hello Pro Community!

Below are the June 2022.2 release notes.


ID Title Description
16586 [Events] Demographic sort order is lost on Event Confirmation A confirmation email is sent on registration,the order the  demographics fields are printed on the confirmation email is based on the sort order of the demographic.
58402 Membership dues not soft deleted when the edit the order. Associated renewal with membership with dues  order should soft deleted.
59280 PRO - Issue - NS27149 - EMTA - SC0718353 - Demographic option lost with no long description Support the ling description with Demographics
59377 PRO - RFA - 27150: Linked "Child" Organizations form disappears after sorting the contents by a column twice. Organizations form should work  after sorting the contents by a column twice.
60708 Address field  does not accept these  special character  (<, >, &, ', ").  Allow address field to accept these  special character  (<, >, &, ', "). 
Product Line

NetForum Pro UAT Refresh

Submitted by 233673 on
The NetForum Pro team will be refreshing the data in the UAT environment starting on Thursday, April 29, 2021. Please be aware that the UAT environment will have sporadic availability during the refresh period.

What is the UAT environment?

The UAT environment is our User Acceptance Testing environment. It is a separate instance of netFORUM Pro from your live, production environment. The NetForum Pro R&D team does product deployments to UAT before we deploy to your live environment to give you an opportunity to play around with new features and give us feedback.

What does refreshing the UAT data mean?

When we refresh the data in the UAT environment it means that we copy the data that is currently in your live environment and overwrite the data that is currently in UAT with that freshly copied data. It is important that we do this periodically to keep the two environments close to in sync.

How long will this take?

The full UAT data refresh takes about 2 days. You should expect intermittent availability of the UAT environment from Thursday, April 29th  through Friday, April 30th.

What does this mean for you?

If you are not using your UAT environment then this will have no impact to you, and since UAT is not visible to your members it will not impact them either. If you are using UAT for testing you may need to reconfigure your UAT environment after the refresh as it may be overwritten.
Product Line

January 2020 Release Notes

Submitted by 233673 on

General Updates - January 2020 Release

These are the general updates and improvements to netFORUM Pro for January, 2020 There are updates in total for this relase under the topics: Data Security, New Event Wizard Update, Data Import Enhancements, Troubleshooting Enhancements and Demographics and Bug Fixes


New Event Wizard

Add Sort Order to Event Demographics for Registrations

Enhancement: When adding demographics to the event, the event creator can opt to sort the registrant demographics alphabetically(default) or numerically(sort order). If the Demographic Sort Order field is null, the sort order is alphabetical. If the Sort Order field is populated the sort order will be honored. If you opt to populate sort order, the sort order for all demographics field should be populated.

Add Sort Order to Event Demographics for Guest Registrations

Enhancement: When adding demographics to the event, the event creator can opt to sort the guest page registrant demographics alphabetically(default) or numerically(sort order). If the Demographic Sort Order field is null, the sort order is alphabetical. If the Sort Order field is populated the sort order will be honored. If you opt to populate sort order, the sort order for all demographics field should be populated.


Security Enhancements

Add Enhanced Password Complexity (iWeb)

Enhancement: Password complexity has been updated to require the following password format: Between 8-32 characters long. Contain one upper case letter, one lower case letter, one number and one special character. The password must also be different than the last four passwords. Pro will validate password complexity for iWeb accounts when a new iWeb account is created, a password is forgotten, or changed.

Add Enhanced Password Complexity (eWeb)

Enhancement: Password complexity has been updated to require the following password format: Between 8-32 characters long. Contain one upper case letter, one lower case letter, one number and one special character. The password must also be different than the last four passwords. Pro will validate password complexity for eWeb accounts when a new customee record is created in eWeb or if customer uses the forgot password functionality to retrieve a password. An error message is displayed with the password complexity requirements if the customer tries to save a password that does not meet the requirements.

Automatic Password Creation on Adding an Individual in iWeb

Enhancement: As part of the manual creation of an individual record, on add, the Web Site Password field is populated with a random unique password that meets the enhanced password complexity requirements. The password value is defaulted only. Staff members may change the generated password, but the new password must also meet the enhanced password complexity requirements.


Data Import Enhancements

Validate Gender During Data Import Process

Enhancement: When importing (insert/update)individual gender data, if the database gender values do not include the gender value on the importing file, the row will not be imported and an error message will be displayed in the exception report.

Add Deleted Individual Parameter to Data Import Process

Enhancement: When importing a row with an individual type that has been deleted, if that row matches an existing non-deleted record, the individual type for that row will be re-added to the individual type list.



Report Optimization

Enhancement: The following reports were optimized to enhance performance: A/R Transaction by Charge Code, Cash Receipts Report


Bug Fixes

Issue #23130 Free session with Education Credits is Not Reflecting Earned Date

Bug Fix: Education Credits on free sessions will not reflect the earned date on the individual's profile.

Issue #25411 Education Credit Value Displays as Currency

Bug Fix: Education Credits will display as a decimal value.

Product Line

March 2020 Release Notes

Submitted by 233673 on

New for Community Brands netFORUM Pro in March, 2020

General Updates - March 2020 Release

These are the general updates and improvements to netFORUM Pro for March, 2020 There are seven updates in total for this release under the topics:  Report Performance, Security Enhancements, Registration Enhancements, and Bug Fixes.


Report Performance

Cash Flow Report

Enhancement: Updates to the indexes and temporary tables were done to improve the performance of the baseline cash flow report.


Security Enhancements

Include Password Complexity Instructions on User Account

Enhancement: Password complexity instructions have been added to the user account form under the Administration module -> User Management group.

User Lockout

Enhancement: After six failed attempts, users will be locked out of their account. The account will be locked for 30 minutes. The user can either immediately contact a staff member with administrator rights to unlock the account or wait 30 minutes for the account to automatically unlock.


Registration Enhancements

Addition of a Guest Registration Capacity Message

Enhancement: If the event capacity for an event has been reached, a message stating "This Event if Full" is displayed and the "Add Guest' button is disabled. If the event capacity has not been reached but the number of allowed guest registrants (system option) has been reached, the message "You have reached your limit of guest registrations" is displayed and the Add Guest button is disabled.


Bug Fixes

Issue #19155 "Open Credits" and "Open Credits as of Date" Reports

Bug Fix: The "Open Credits" and "Open Credits as of Date" reports have been updated to ensure all credits are accounted for.

Issue #24754 Incorrect Column Names for Custom Event Demographic Flag Fields in Excel Report

Bug Fix: Previously if more than one event used the demographic check flag field, any report that included registrations from multiple events would display the incorrect column name. Now, the report will display the default caption value, ex. Flag_01 on reports that contain registrants for multiple events. If all the registrants displayed on the report are from the same event, the updated caption value, ex., Vegetarian Meal, will be displayed

Issue #25304 Accounting Module Add Payment Feature is Not Processing Credit Card Payments

Bug Fix: The Add Payment feature in the Accounting module will now successfully process credit card payments.


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