IUSR_Millennium Account Lockout or Resetting Millennium IUSR account password

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Resetting IUSR_Millennium password – IUSR account locked out

If you'll change the  IUSR_Millennium password it must me done in several places in IIS Manager: local users, IIS default website, Mill drive website, IIS server level, and both applications pools but...I think the locked out issue... is not related to the password/authentication...
try resetting the password...
If there are additional queue boxes, the same - IUSR_Millennium must be updated on those boxes as well

If IUSR_Millennium account is locked out, it may mean password is not matching at all sites as per above.


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'Username’ is not a valid login or you do not have permissions when ‘sa’ account changes user passwords in Millennium user interface

Submitted by 334 on
The ‘sa’ account is able to change a user’s password in the user interface but the change password log indicates the following:  "'Username’ is not a valid login or you do not have permissions when ‘sa’ account changes user passwords in Millennium user interface"
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