  1. Navigate to Activities>Accounts Payable> Select Invoices to Pay

  2. Start a new session by entering a unique session ID. Enter the date and add a description if desired.  Hit Start

  3. From the list of invoices, double click on the invoice you wish to partially pay. A box will come up. Edit the Amount to Pay column, to the amount you want to pay with this check. Hit OK.

  4. This box will disappear and take you back to your list of invoices. After selecting the invoices you want to pay hit OK. 

  5. Navigate to Activities>Accounts Payable> Pay Selected A/P Invoices.

  6. Select your session ID from the drop down.

  7. Hit Start.

  8. Ensure that the check number is correct, the correct printer is selected, and the format is correct. Then hit OK to print.

  9. A screen will pop up to ask if all checks have printed correctly.

  10. The check will print for the amount you edited the check to be.

Article Type
Product Info
Product Line
MIP Fund Accounting
Product Module/Feature
Accounts Payable
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