
Question: I received notification that the MIP Hosted system is moving to the Microsoft Azure Platform. Will this impact how I use or access MIP?


Starting in April 2023 MIP is changing the back-end platform used for Multitenant Hosting Services to Microsoft Azure. Most changes involved are related to back-end hardware and software, not product functionality. The environment will continue to be run and operated by MIP, it’s just a change in the provider. There are a few changes to be aware of.

There are several URL’s that are changing. This change will take effect when your account is migrated to the Azure environment. After that the old URL will not work. You should update your bookmarks and favorites accordingly.

Accessing the MIP Product (Self-Service User Portal & All MIP Hosted Products)

This change will need to be made for all users. This is the URL that you use to access your account and launch your products.

Employee Web Services (EWS)  

  • Old Abila URL:  
  • New MIP URL:  

Microix Web Companion  

Microix Barcode Application  

Microix Email Approval  

MIP Cloud Rest API v1  

  • Old Abila URL:  
  • New MIP URL: 

You will need to update this URL in your applications that interface with MIP.

Will this migration change report favorites, MIP settings, etc. back to factory defaults?   
All usernames, passwords, report settings and report favorites will remain the same. Users with customized workstation settings will need to recreate those settings. Click on the Options menu, then click Customize Workstation Settings. For more instructions, see this
KB article or this Customize Workstation Settings Help file

I have saved check formats. Will I need to change them? 

No. However prior to printing checks in this new environment, you will need to reselect your preferred check format(s) prior to printing checks. For more instructions, see this KB article or this Load A/P Checks/Vouchers (Print) Help file

NOTE: If you have images or signatures stored on the MIP cloud server you will need to revert them to your local network and re-add them to your check formats. Images and signatures stored locally will not be affected.

What about printers? 

In the MIP Fund Accounting Classic user interface, you will need to set up the default printer for Reports and Forms. Click on the File menu, then click Print Setup, then Forms to set the printer for Forms and repeat the same process for Reports. For more instructions, see the Printer Setup Help file

Will my Rest API product integration with MIP Fund Accounting change? 

Yes, if you are using the MIP Rest API. Following the migration, you or your third-party vendor will need to update your integrated product to use the new URL to communicate with MIP’s Rest API endpoints.  

Data Import Locations

The functionality of Data Import has not changed. You will still need to browse to your DEF and Data files. The default location that it starts at to locate those files may change. You just need to re-browse to the correct location.

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