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Information about Recent Reports does not display in Favorites>Recent Reports>Edit Report nor Run Reports

Steps to Reproduce:   
  1. Click on Favorites in the Millennium navigator
  2. Click on Recent Reports>Run Report or Edit Report
  3. Click on the i on any of the listed reports to obtain last run and last edited information
  4. Notice no information is displayed as it normally does in Millennium reporting
Expected result:  I would expect the report last run and last edited and user information when I click on the I beside each report.

Related Information:  Help Information
Access your recently run reports by using Favorites>Recen tReports>Published.
Report criteria can be run by using Millennium Explorer, Reporting>Run Criteria. Your recently run reports can also be re-run from Favorites. For each reporting category (library), a list of the last ten reports that have been run for your user name (whether you ran them, or they were run on your behalf) is displayed.
For each report listed, the report name displays as a hyperlink. The report description, if one exists, will also display.
Pass your mouse pointer over the chosen report's information icon to view the date that the report was last run, and other statistics about the last run.
To re-run a report, click the report name hyperlink,  the Report Run Options page will display. Set the options as you prefer and then launch the report.
Access your recently edited reports by using Favorites>Recent Reports>Edited.
Report criteria can be edited by using Millennium Explorer, Reporting>Edit Criteria. Criteria that you have recently edited can also be accessed from Favorites. For each reporting category(library), a list of the last ten reports that you have accessed for editing purposes and then saved is displayed.
For each report listed, the report name displays as a hyperlink. The report description, if one exists, will also display.
Pass your mouse pointer over the chosen report's information icon to view the date that the report was last edited, and statistics about the report's last run (if any).
To access report criteria for editing purposes, click the chosen report's name hyperlink or select Display from the chosen report's edit button pop-up menu. The Report Form page will display. Edit the criteria as you want and re-save. Close the Report Form, or run the criteria, as you prefer.
To delete the report criteria, select Delete from the edit button pop-up context menu.

The issue has been confirmed as a product defect and has been reported to our Research and Development team
Please refer to KB article 4771-Scheduled fixes  to see if this is scheduled for a fix.
Article Type
Product Defect
Product Line
Product Module/Feature
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