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Set up a default to populate your giving screen with a tender type of credit card and set up default on credit card screen.  When you insert gift now via defaults you will get an error

Error Message -- Insert

INSERT INTO creditcard_full(credcctype, credmethod, credfirst6, credlast4, credexpyr, credexpmn, credccnm, credaddrl1, credaddrl2, credcity, credstate, credzip, credcntry, credemail, credsave, credid, credlnkfil, credlnkkey, credtender, credamount, credstatus, credguid, credapprov, credref, credmasked, credspsid, credinitum, credindate, credinitvr, continitds) VALUES ('visa ', 'R', ' ', '', ' ', ' ', 'Mr. Chris Jones', '1120 Burgess Dr', '', 'Leander', 'TX ', '78641-7783', 'USA ', '', 'Y', '0000000263', '05', 2605479153, 'cc', 300.00, '', '', '', '', '', '', 'V', 'Feb 26, 2016', 'AA,BB', 'E')


[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid column name 'continitds'.
Error Code 207
Product Line