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~~Steps to reproduce:
1. Login to Millennium ( as a non admin user)
2. Go to the My Millennium > Assignments > New > Gift
3. Insert Gift Assignment
o Assignment Name: test_gifts_1
o Apply Notification To: select Any Constituent
o Gift Amount Exceeds: 10.00
o Click on the "Insert" button
4. Navigate to ORACLE database Server and login as DBA
5. Launch "Oracle SQL Developer" tool and connect to a database
6. Execute SQL statement below (e.g. asgnkey=5027)
o  select asgnkey, asgnstate  from assignments where asgnname ='test_gifts_1''
7. Copy the "SELECT" statement
o select giftkey, giftid from gifts where to_number(giftcrdate) >= to_number(sysdate) and giftamount > 10.00
• QA tested this issue in v.2015.1 and v.2016.1 (this issue is applicable to oracle system only)
• If you'll execute the statement  (step # 7) in Oracle SQL Developer tool, the system generates the error
o ORA-01722: invalid number

• The correct statement should be:
o select giftkey, giftid from gifts where to_number(to_char(giftcrdate,'yyyymmdd')) >= to_number(to_char( sysdate, 'yyyymmdd')) and giftamount > 10.00

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