Error message converting your database from v8.02 to v8.1.
Please note: If you received this error, your database conversion was not successful.
Conversion Utility
Loading cards_to_print
Cannot bulk load. The file “C:\SageFR50 Share\bin\card_to_print.tx” does not exist.
Reference 37000.
SQL script 2031101a was not run, when Fundraising 50 was upgraded from v5.1 to v5.1a
Make a complete backup of your database (Start>Programs>Sage Software>Sage Fundraising 50>Backup)
Follow the instructions below to correct the error and then use the Conversion Utility to convert the database to version 8.1:
1. Navigate to Start>Programs or All Programs>Sage Software>Sage Fundraising 50>Interactive SQL (8.02 install)
2. Connect to Adaptive Server Anywhere screen will appear. Supply the user ID and Password of any user that belongs to the Paradigm database Administrators group. Set ODBC Data Source = Paradigm
3. Click OK.
4. The Interactive SQL screen will appear. From the main toolbar select: File>Open. Browse to: C:\Sage Fundraising 50 Databases\Upgrade\. 20031101A.sql. Click open. (Please note this script can only be executed on Fundraising 50 version 8.02)
5. The Command section of the screen will populate as shown:
6. Click inside the Command section and scroll to the bottom of the script. Delete the last 2 lines.
You MUST remove the 2 lines highlighted below in order to successfully execute this script.
7. Once these lines have been removed from the script, click the Execute button. When the script has finished executing, the Execute button is once again active (not grayed out).
8. Choose: File>Exit. Your database is now ready to be converted.
9. Navigate to: Start>Programs/All programs>Sage Software>Sage Fundraising 50 version 8.1>Conversion Utility
10. Enter the new database name for v8.1 and click Convert.
11. Once the conversion has finished, you will now be able to login to Fundraising 50 v8.1 using any of the established logins.
12. You may now uninstall Fundraising 50 version 8.02, Server with Client or Client using the windows Control Panel> Add or Remove Programs.
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Fundraising 50
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