DF-FA-030564-Web User Interface - MIP Cloud - Content Changes for Statement of Revenues and Expenditures by Period Doesn’t show as Saved

Submitted by Stacie_Ray on

When adding a new ‘Content’ column in the ‘Statement of Revenues and Expenditures by Period’ report in MIP Modern and saving, the report runs correctly but the column added doesn’t show when reviewing the setup of the report.

DF-FA-030563-Web User Interface – Internal Server Error when editing a copied Financial Statement Format in MIP Modern

Submitted by Stacie_Ray on

When saving the changes to a copied financial statement format, the system spins for a several seconds, then fails and displays an Internal Server Error: Internal Error. The error was logged with the reference #E_PA00d80b46-592b-4a41-a492-8713036c86df.

DF-FA-030558-Attachments saved on the Original Document when document is memorized and Recalled in the same session

Submitted by Stacie_Ray on

Attaching a document to an invoice created using the Recall Memorized Document in the same session the document was memorized in will attach the document to the original invoice.