DF-FA-030914-Default Timesheets Not Refreshing in MIP Modern
After modifying an employees pay, or creating a new employee, the Default Timesheets do not reflect the current amount of pay in MIP Modern.
Product Line
MFA setup is unable to be completed or clicking setup new device
After clicking the setup link in the MFA email, the following error is displayed.
Product Line
DF-FA-030911-Web User Interface-MIP Modern-Statement of Revenue and Expenditure by Period Error: ‘Job Was Not Able to be Executed’
When running a Statement of Revenue and Expenditures by period the message ‘Job was not able to be executed.’ displays.
Product Line
DF-FA-Web User Interface- 030904- Message ‘Could not initialize MIP Classic subsystem: Initialization of License failed’ displays in the MFA screen.
When attempting to login to Modern the Message ‘Could not initialize MIP Classic subsystem: Initialization of License failed’ displays in the MFA screen.
Product Line
DF-FA-030628-MIP Cloud-The Custom Column button is not available in the financial statements reports settings
The Custom Column button is missing from the report settings in MIP Modern.
Product Line